A property crime is the act of willingly taking money or property from someone unlawfully. If you or a family member has been accused of a state or federal property crime, you may wish to seek the legal guidance of a criminal defense lawyer. Generally, felony thefts are called grand theft, while misdemeanor thefts are called petty theft, although the value of the items taken affects the classification of the crime.
Examples of felony and misdemeanor property crimes include:
- Burglary
- Larceny
- Grand theft auto / motor vehicle theft
- Retail theft or shoplifting
- Vandalism
Penalties for property crimes vary depending on the value of the stolen property and other factors (such as prior offenses, weapons used, or third party injuries that occurred), but punishment can be severe. Punishment ranges from restitution (repayment), probation and time in prison. A theft conviction can also impact future employment and eligibility for certain loans.
“When facing eager, determined prosecutors, your defense must be equally determined and experienced.”
Florida Bar Board Certified Criminal Trial Attorney Donnie Murrell is a veteran criminal defense lawyer with an established reputation for his courtroom abilities and outstanding commitment to his clients. He understands that crime convictions are life-changing events for the people he is defending and takes this responsibility very seriously. Attorney Murrell and his legal team are dedicated to and work closely with his clients through the entire legal process. He thoroughly researches every aspect and all evidence of the case and explores all options.
If you or a family member has been accused of a theft or property crime and needs an experienced Board Certified Criminal Trial Lawyer to explain and protect your legal rights,
contact the law firm of L. D. Murrell, P.A. to discuss our method for building a strategic defense.
L. D. Murrell, P.A. serves all of Florida including the following counties: Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, and Okeechobee County, and handles both state and federal criminal matters.